From: Amanda Jacobson <> Date: Thu, 14 May 2009 10:20:32 -0500 Subject: Monticello Historical Society Civil War Encampment and Concert Message-ID: <CF76959DC5C1934EB27634F67645B74006785AAE@MONTI-MAIL.Monticello.local>
Monticello Historical Society
to Host Civil War Encampment
The MAHS will be unveiling their new exhibit "Jim Town" at the museum on Ma
y 2, 2009. This exhibit will feature commerce that developed in Monticello
when the Illinois Central and the Milwaukee Road railroads passed by the vi
llage beginning in the 1880's. This center of commerce became known as Jim
To help celebrate this exhibit opening, the MAHS is sponsoring a Civil War
Living History Encampment on May 2-3, 2009. The encampment will be located
on the North end of the village across from the fire station. The encampmen
t will have units representing both the Union and Confederate armies an
d will include cavalry exercises, small arms demonstrations, and cannon fir
Saturday afternoon the military units, along with the 1st Brigade Band from
Watertown will march down Main Street to the Village park where the Band w
ill present a 2:00pm concert. The 1st Brigade Band plays Civil War era
instruments and plays music of the era. This years musical th
eme celebrates Lincoln's 200th birthday.
The encampment will go on rain or shine, and in case of inclement weather,
the 1st Brigade Band concert will be held in the school auditorium. Admissi
on for the events is free, donations will be accepted. It will be a day you
won't want to miss!