Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2019 09:17:59 -0400 (EDT) From: "" <> Message-ID: <> Subject: PRESS RELEASE: 35th Annual Iola Historical Society's Strawberry Fest June 23
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEContact: Greg Loescher, or 715-445-2
456; or Cliff Mishler, or 715-445-5050 Iola H
istorical Society to host 35th annual Strawberry Fest, Antiques Appraisal F
air and crafters on June 23IOLA, WI: Strawberries and local history are on
the schedule for the Iola Historical Society’s 35th Annual Strawber
ry Fest, to be held Sunday, June 23, from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the So
ciety’s Historic Village complex on Depot Street just west of North
Main Street in downtown Iola. Local crafters will also show off their hand
iwork, and an Antiques Appraisal Fair provides experts on a wide range of c
ollectibles on hand to ascertain the value of people’s attic and ba
sement treasures.Admission to the event is free, although goodwill donation
s will be accepted. Food items available for purchase include strawberry sh
ortcake – homemade! – with ice cream or Cool Whip, pulled p
ork sandwiches, and hot dogs from Pine Grove Meats. Assorted sodas and bott
led water will also be available for purchase from Iola’s Boy Scout
Troop 631. The food and beverage offerings will be available in the histor
ical society’s Machine Shed at 222 Depot Street. There is also a ra
ffle ($3 per ticket, three for $5) with $100 cash top prize and many other
prizes. All proceeds benefitting the Iola Historical Society are earmarked
for restoration projects.. Antique Appraisal FairArea residents can bring i
tems from their attics and basements for evaluation and pricing information
by a wide-ranging group of experts at the Antiques Appraisal Fair. Cost is
$3 per item or $5 for three items, with all proceeds benefiting the Iola H
istorical Society.Antique and collectible appraisers include experts on gen
eral antiques, books, comics and popular-culture collectibles, sports colle
ctibles, militaria and medals, toys, coins, and paper money. Find out if yo
u have something valuable stashed away in your home!Crafters showing their
skillsA craft show will also be held on the grounds. Crafters are featuring
handwoven baskets; sea salt and seasonings; jams and jellies jewelry; hand
bags; sock monkeys; aprons; henna artist; quilted bags, crochet and knitted
items, and lots more. Spots are still available for $10 each by calling Ba
rb Johnson at 715-445-3777.Historic building toursThe Iola Historic Village
buildings will be open for visitors, including the original vintage Iola A
nd Northern Railroad depot, which is undergoing restoration to its original
design. The other buildings include a replica of a local one-room schoolho
use; a 1930s log cabin used in the area by hunters; a replica of Iola
s original fire station containing Iola’s vintage first three fi
refighting vehicles; the original Helvetia Town Hall; The Machine Shed, fil
led with vintage farm and manufacturing equipment along with the recently a
cquired Anderson Machine Shop equipment; a recently restored vintage caboos
e; and the historical society’s newly remodeled and expanded museum
. The main museum, which recently unveiled new display cases for its exhibi
ts, and other Iola Historical Society buildings feature recently acquired c
ollections: Towne Family Native American Artifacts Collection, from the fir
st Native Americans to live in Wisconsin, dating back to the first Native A
mericans to live in Wisconsin more than 10,000 years ago. Ray Towne, his fa
ther, and his grandfather collected the artifacts in Waupaca, Waushara, and
Portage counties. The Bert Stromberg violin collection. Stromberg was a f
ormer constable of Iola who made and sold violins in the area in the mid-20
th century. The collection includes violins in various stages of production
plus Stromberg’s original violin-making tools. The Lee Nelson exhi
bit. A decorated World War II veteran from Iola who flew 31 bombing mission
s in a B-17 “Flying Fortress” over Germany and German-occup
ied France. Nelson was also an accomplished woodcarver and a selection of h
is carvings is on display. R.I. Anderson machine shop: Features the origina
l equipment used by Anderson, who built, among other things, brass fittings
and other fixtures for Iola’s 1942 fire engine (also on display at
the replica firehouse). The equipment is located in a replica building ins
ide the society’s Machine Shed, and is still in working condition.
Originally located on State Street, the shop’s machine tools were m
oved by R.I.’s descendants, first to southern Wisconsin, then to Mi
nnesota before finding its way back to Iola -- just a ½ mile from its
original location. Chet Krause exhibit: Founder of Krause Publications, co
-founder of the Iola Car Show, and philanthropist, Chet’s involveme
nt in the community defined the Iola area’s success in the second h
alf of the 20th century. He passed away in 2016, so this exhibit is just be
ing developed, but already includes his original business desk, awards he r
eceived over the years, and other items. Other items of local historical s
ignificance are also on display in the museum and in all of the buildings.
Docents will be at each building to talk about the historic significance of
the building and its contents and answer any questions.Attendees are also
encouraged to walk on the nearby Iola River Walk along the Little Wolf Rive
r and visit the historic Iola Mills, built in 1860. The Iola Historical Soc
iety’s village is open on Saturdays in June, July and August from n
oon to 3:00 p.m.The Society’s next special events are the inaugural
Native American Heritage Day on Saturday, August 10, and the 10th Annual T
aste of Norway & Lost Arts Fair on Saturday, Oct. 5, 2019.For more informat
ion, go to the Society’s website at o
r visit the Iola-Scandinavia Chamber’s website at
.The Iola Historical Society’s local Business Partners lending spon
sorship support to this event include Bank First National, Central Wisconsi
n Electric Cooperative, Community Insurance, Homestead Realty, Iola Dental
Clinic, Iola Family Chiropractic, Iola Sentry Foods, RBC Wealth Management,
Subway/Iola, and Sweet Medicine/Prescriptions Plus.###