Subject: RE: Dec 4 Rally Thanks Date: Mon, 6 Dec 2004 10:07:51 -0600 Message-ID: <> From: "Krause, Ardyth L." <>
I agree. It did seem like we had a lot of traffic and a large enough
group to be noticed.
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Preston, Elizabeth
Sent: Monday, December 06, 2004 9:47 AM
Cc:; Werthmann, Andrew Frank
Subject: Dec 4 Rally Thanks
Thank you, members of AI, PSA, and SFPJ, for your participation in the
rally on Dec 4. Around 60 members of many groups joined the Women in
Black on the corner of 53/Brackett; it was very high-volume traffic and
I think a success. The Eau Claire Peace Coalition added six new names
of community (non-university related) members to our group.
Upcoming events (please forward):
TONIGHT: Monday, Dec 6, 6:15 pm: Peace Rally! Meet at the clock
tower, UWEC, before Sarra's talk. Listen to anti-war music, chant, and
we're hoping to have a speaker.
Saturday, Dec 11, noon-1:00: Join the PSA on the corner of
State/Lincoln for a protest of the War in Iraq. Andrew Werthmann will
be speaking.