RE: Bills in several states aim to counter perceived liberalism of college professors

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Alarcon, Eberth G. Jr. (
Mon, 14 Feb 2005 14:27:34 -0600

Subject: RE: Bills in several states aim to counter perceived liberalism of  college professors 
Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2005 14:27:34 -0600
Message-ID: <>
From: "Alarcon, Eberth G. Jr." <>


Marty's quote really sums up so much of the conservative mindset:

"the conservatives' shared fantasy of group marginalization and persecution will be exposed for the preposterous paranoia it really is."

How a group which controls so much of the political and economic power in this country can continue to whine about how they are constantly being silenced is truly striking. It's both a subconscious victim mentality (which is interesting on the level of mass psychology) and a conscious, very successful attempt to keep the left on the defensive, which we need to actively counter. Any ideas?


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