Rally at Fort Bragg

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Alarcon, Eberth G. Jr. (ALARCOEG@uwec.edu)
Fri, 18 Mar 2005 12:38:34 -0600

Subject: Rally at Fort Bragg
Date: Fri, 18 Mar 2005 12:38:34 -0600
Message-ID: <9CBE51C748FC4E469D447D1825C64A3C01406F68@COKE.uwec.edu>
From: "Alarcon, Eberth G. Jr." <ALARCOEG@uwec.edu>


Whenever the pro-war people accuse us of being unpatriotic, we need to remind them of events like this one at Fort Bragg this weekend:


A couple of quotes:

Groups like Gold Star Families For Peace, made up of 60 families, and Iraq Veterans Against the War, with nearly 200 members, were formed within the last nine months. The members were brought together by grief and opposition to the Iraq conflict. More than 1,500 U.S. servicemembers have died in Iraq.

These new groups are one component of a national anti-war effort, says Andrew Pearson of the North Carolina Peace and Justice Coalition, one of the march's organizers. Since the November elections, there has been "a strategic reorientation for the anti-war movement. And a lot of it coming from the direction of leadership of military families and veterans," he says..

"We're showing folks all over the country and the world that even in the military community, there's huge opposition to the continuation of the Iraq war," Pearson says.

Please circulate as you see fit.


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