Oct 21 Breaking the Silence

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Kaldjian, Paul J. (KALDJIAN@uwec.edu)
Thu, 22 Sep 2005 15:30:01 -0500

Subject: Oct 21 Breaking the Silence
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 15:30:01 -0500
Message-ID: <D48A6EB6D9D4DB469DE4AE97AFE8220701479C68@COKE.uwec.edu>
From: "Kaldjian, Paul J." <KALDJIAN@uwec.edu>

Dear Colleagues, As I presented at the SFPJ meeting last week, we will be bringing another set of Israeli young people to campus to give a presentation on October 21. These two are in their early 20s and are organizers of and participants in the exhibit that opened last year in Tel Aviv called Breaking the Silence: the Combatants' Story. The event was reviewed internationally -- I am sending you a couple of links and reviews from the NYTimes, the Washington Post and the Guardian.

The two Israelis will not be bringing the exhibit itself, but will use a DVD to show images and testimonies from the exhibit, will talk about their own experiences, and then discuss them. They are traveling the US from Coast to Coast, and will be coming to us from Chicago. I have an auditorium reserved on Campus (the one in Schneider). I have not finalized things, but I am thinking of having two presentations -- one in the afternoon for students (3:00ish?) and another in the evening
(7:00ish?) for the Eau Claire community. Any thoughts? I will try and finalize the times next week, so that we can formally begin the promotion and publicity. For now, I wanted to get the date and background to you. Please share throughout the community to anybody you feel would benefit from a heads-up: Veterans for Peace, Women in Black, faith groups, etc.

I am requesting money from a couple of sources on campus, but am still searching for another few hundred dollars -- any suggestions for sources of support?

I expect this to be an exciting event.


Paul J. Kaldjian Assistant Professor of Geography University of Wisconsin -- Eau Claire Eau Claire, WI 54702-4004




http://www.uwec.edu/kaldjian/GEOG319/319%20articles/Guardian%20Breaking% 20Silence%20article.htm

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