Re: Bob, could you help with this?

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Nowlan, Robert A. (
Fri, 21 Oct 2005 14:56:20 -0500

Subject: FW: Bob, could you help with this?
Date: Fri, 21 Oct 2005 14:56:20 -0500
Message-ID: <>
From: "Nowlan, Robert A." <>

  Andrew Werthmann has requested I pass this on to you so that those of you who might find it of interest can take note. If you have questions or comments (positive or negative--or other), contact Andrew with them at the following e-mail address:



UWEC Faculty and Staff members,

Are you concerned about the reduced support for the UW system over the past several years? Are you concerned about the threats to the quality of life in Wisconsin because of the lack of public sector support for essential programs? If you are, attend the Music, Magic and Membership rally on Wednesday, October 26 at 7:30pm and consider joining the progressive, Eau Claire County Democratic Party.


The myth that Wisconsin is a "Tax Hell" has been used by conservative, Republican law makers to severely reduce support for programs that represent the "common wealth" for our state - public education, environmental stewardship, and just social services. We need a return to good old "common sense for the common wealth" to put our state and country back on the right track. Attend the rally to find out how you can help.


Thanks for considering,

Andrew Werthmann




Come to the biggest rally this year and help strengthen the Democratic Party!



A free rally featuring Magic Ben, Walter Craft and WI political leaders!

Our first big step to taking back Wisconsin in the 2006 elections.


Wednesday, October 26th at 7:30pm

UW - Eau Claire Schofield Auditorium.


EVERYONE is invited. One time only optional half price Democratic Party membership for all STUDENTS! Only $5!


YES. There will be free food and refreshments after the rally.


Speakers include:

Joe Wineke - Chair of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin

Pat Kreitlow - Candidate for WI State Legislature

Kerry Kincaid - Eau Claire City Council Member

Jeff Smith - Candidate for WI State Legislature

Mike Turner - Candidate for WI State Legislature

Jo Burke - President of the Eau Claire Association of Educators

Roberta Rasmus - Candidate for WI State Legislature

Andrew Werthmann - Eau Claire community leader and activist

Magic: Magic Ben Music: Walter Craft



We stand at a critical juncture in our country's history and it calls upon us to step up and get involved. Midterm elections are one year away, the president's approval ratings are dismal, and the group that led us into an illegal war and has caused so much suffering and hardship over the past five years are being indicted and exposed for their complete lack of sound judgment and responsibility. We have the tide with us, but whether Democrats and progressives can capitalize on our advantage, whether we can stand up for health care, education and prosperity, whether we can carry through the next year with strength and resolve needed to take back our government, is up to us.


 Please contact Andrew Werthmann with questions and concerns:

 Phone: 651-226-3532 Email:


Sponsored by: Progressive Student Association (PSA), College Democrats, and the Eau Claire County Democratic Party



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This archive was generated on Fri Oct 21 2005 - 14:56:32 Central Daylight Time