Health Care Issues

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Wesenberg, Nancy Christine (
Thu, 27 Sep 2007 09:34:38 -0500

From: "Wesenberg, Nancy Christine" <>
Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2007 09:34:38 -0500
Subject: Health Care Issues
Message-ID: <>

In light of the notes from the recent SFPJ meeting, I would like to suggest
 that folks might like to read two excellent books I recently read by surg eon Atul Gawande. Both are excellent. The first is Complications: A Surgeo n's Notes on an Imperfect Science, and his most recent book, Better: A Su rgeon's Notes on Performance. The first is more personal and talks about the contradictions involved in trying to give people the best possible heal th care while balancing the need to actually train people on the job (using
 Gawande's own experiences during his seven years of surgical residency for
 examples), and the second, written after Gawande finished his residency,
 looks at more general systems in health care and how they might be improve d. I found Gawande to have an honest and humane voice and a very thoughtf ul approach. He even talks about typically taboo subjects, like how much do ctors earn. He deals with issues we all face at one time or another. I hi ghly recommend these books, both of which were brought to my attention by m y oldest daughter, an artist and photographer turned pre-med student.

Nancy Wesenberg Communication Specialist News Bureau University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire 715-836-4423

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