RE: [SCMSClass] Horowitz checklist

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Kaldjian, Paul J. (
Sun, 7 Oct 2007 23:51:11 -0500

From: "Kaldjian, Paul J." <>
Date: Sun, 7 Oct 2007 23:51:11 -0500
Subject: RE: [SCMSClass] Horowitz checklist
Message-ID: <>

Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention Bob. Do you think that many or any of our students are in the know enough to be caught up in this despicable campaign? I don't have a sense. paul

P. Kaldjian Geography & Anthropology University of Wisconsin -- Eau Claire
________________________________ From: [] On Behalf Of Nowlan, Robert A. [] Sent: Sunday, October 07, 2007 12:49 PM To: Subject: FW: [SCMSClass] Horowitz checklist

And this is a useful series of points in response to David Horowitz and his
 initiative directed against so-called 'Islamo-fascism' on American college
/university campuses.

Bob Nowlan

________________________________ From: [mailto: [mailto:scmsclass-bounces@cmstudies.o rg] On Behalf Of Chuck Kleinhans Sent: Sunday, October 07, 2007 9:16 AM To: Caucus on Class Subject: [SCMSClass] Horowitz checklist

This might be useful to anyone who wants to discuss Horowitz's upcoming cam paign against "Islamo-facism" on campus.

Horowitz check list Useful background article From the issue dated May 6, 2005 Good starting source for critique of Horowitz (includes links to other sour ces) 25 Some possibly useful points: 1. Horowitz has never been a college teacher, not even on an adjunct or gue st or visiting basis. Thus he has a very limited idea and imagination abou t how college teaching works and what’s involved. It actually seems doub tful that he could get a competitive search teaching job, given the logical
 and factual flaws in his publications. He seems to have no publications t hat have ever gone through the standard academic blind peer-reviewed proces s. 2. He and his “think tank” website are funded by ultra conservative bu sinessmen. He does not have an actual viable organization with grassroots members who organize anything. E.g. his upcoming appearance at Emory Unive rsity was not the result of an initiative or invitation from the campus. R ather, his office contacted the College Republicans to set it up. It’s a lways a good idea to ask how much he gets paid and by whom. 3. Horowitz comes up with a new project every year or so, just after his pr evious headline-grabbing project is shown to be absurdly wrong and fails to
 gain support. His “academic bill of rights” has been a huge failure a nd revealed to be unnecessary, redundant, and just plain laughable when act ually the subject of legislative and judicial investigation. In other word s, he doesn’t have a long range strategy or set of goals which he tries t o build year after year, he just gives up and moves on to a new topic aimed
 at getting money out of wealthy conservatives. Given that we are now six years after 9/11, why is it only now that Horowitz highlights “Islamo-fas cism” as a high priority problem? Why does he now feign concern for wome n and gays in Islam, when he has never shown such interest before? 4. Horowitz endlessly exudes anger and self-pity. In interviews he bemoan s the fact that films have been made about leftists, but not about him, etc
., that his books are not required reading in college courses, etc. 5. When critics have pointed out major errors of fact in his publications,
 his reaction has been to deny that these are errors, or to remove the offe nding passage from his website (if too embarrassing), or to say (often) tha t he is not responsible, that someone else said it, and it is not his task to correct the error. In his current campaign against “Islamo-facism” he “documented” a story of killing a woman for sexual activity with an image from a fictional film made several years ago. When it was pointed ou t that the photo was not a document, he finally just removed it from the si te. Lie first, correct later. 5. “Facts Count” is a detailed careful and rational examination of the
 factual errors and outright lies in Horowitz’s book on the 101 “most d angerous” professors. He does not accept responsibility for these errors
. (see Free Exchange on Campus site). 6. Horowitz’s “investigation” of campus leftist professors includes collecting information on voter registration. The fact that one is registe red as a “Democrat” (which then allows one to vote in party primaries in many states) for Horowitz is “proof” that one is a rabid leftist int ent on smashing democracy and installing communism. 7. David Horowitz promoted his “academic bill of rights’ that would pr ohibit faculty from speaking on any political issues in class, and which ca lls for compensatory hiring of conservatives to achieve ideological balance
 in universities. When the Pennsylvania House of Representatives held hea rings on supposed professorial bias in the classroom, Horowitz was forced t o admit that his “examples” of egregious prejudice tainting the classro om were actually hearsay and he had never actually investigated student com ments. (So much for scholarly standards of proof.) Although the Reagan co nservatives actually railed against shoddy scholarship and lack of substant ive research in the postmodern academy, twenty years later even dedicated i deologues like Horowitz seem to blow off research that would substantiate c laims. 8. A visit to the Horowitz organization website is filled with horror sto ries aimed to create outrage and open checkbooks Yet reading between the l ines, one wonders at the claims made. One might think that a leader in the
 campus Young Republicans would have enough courage of his convictions and a sense that the Party had his back to stand up to professorial bias. Even
 more startling, finding that a former Special Forces veteran of the Iraq w ar is too intimidated to stand up to the ramblings of a humanities profess or. In other cases, it is clear that campus progressives entered absurd an d self-contradictory stories that Horowitz seems to actually believe. 9. His current anti “Islamo-facist” campaign includes guest speaking o n campus by Ann Coulter, whose wild charges were too much for even The Nati onal Review which dropped her column. The current website includes an att ack on Jimmy Carter as an anti-Semite for his criticism of Israeli policy a nd actions in Gaza and the West Bank.

Chuck Kleinhans

Associate Professor


Northwestern University

1800 Sherman Ave, room 117

Evanston IL 60208

office: 847-491-2255; 847-491-7315

co-editor, JUMPCUT: A Review of Contemporary Media

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