From: "Nowlan, Robert A." <> Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2007 12:21:13 -0500 Subject: Course Information for Spring 2007 Offering of English 395: Progressive Film Festival Message-ID: <>
In the event that you may find this spring 2007 course prospect of interest
to you--or to any friends or acquaintances:
English 395, Section to be Announced: Progressive Film Festival
Help participate in organizing and conducting the third annual Eau Claire P
rogressive Film Festival, to run on the UWEC campus for ten days in April,
specific rooms and dates to be announced. Help with programming, fundraisi
ng, publicity, promotion, hosting of guests, facilitating post-screening di
scussions, and serving as a liaison with progressive organizations and film
organizations across Wisconsin and Minnesota. Work in student teams, wit
h plenty of room for individual--and group--forms of creative initiative.
Meetings at flexible times to fit with students' schedules. Students may
sign up to earn one, two, or three (upper level English) course credits for
work on the festival [which can be used to help support a topical minor in
film studies], or to earn up to 15 hours of service learning credit for do
ing the same. [Also, at times students join this effort just because they
are interested and want to help out without seeking to earn either course
or service-learning credit--that's certainly welcome too.] Always a fun ti
me with plenty of opportunity for extensive social interaction as well as p
roductive achievement. The Eau Claire Progressive Film Festival is now the
world's current largest and longest-lasting independent, alternative, non-
profit community-based film festival focused explicitly and exclusively on
films representing progressive stances versus progressive issues. If you a
re interested in film, and support progressive goals--human emancipation,
social justice, collective equality, ecological sustainability, and a peace
ful world--do consider joining and helping out with the Eau Claire Progress
ive Film Festival. Questions, please contact: Bob Nowlan, Executive Direct
or,<>, and/or John Nicksic, Direc
tor,<>. And to sign up for cours
e or service-learning credit, please contact Bob Nowlan (Associate Professo
r of English, and instructor for the course):<mailto:rano>, or (715) 836-4369, or at HHH 425.