From: "Nowlan, Robert A." <> Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2007 22:45:07 -0500 Subject: Progressive Outpost Invites You to Write for Us Message-ID: <>
Greetings, Friends, SFPJ:
We are planning a December 2007 issue (to come out right at the start o
f the month). We welcome your written contributions. We are looking for
them. I know that many people across campus and beyond have complimented u
s on what we have done through our first seven issues, but we need your hel
p to sustain it--and most of all we need you to write for us.
Anything of progressive interest or relevance is a good possibility. B
ut specifically we really would like to invite people to write on the follo
1. The debate over the state budget, the new state budget, and the prosp
ective impact of both on UWEC and the UW System
2. The recent history of cutbacks in support for higher education in thi
s state and the effects that this has had at UWEC
3. Progressive perspectives and reflections on the University strategic
plan initiative
4. The history of restrictions on faculty unionization and collective ba
rgaining in this state, and the struggles that have ensued around this issu
5. Specific ways in which limited or reduced financial support -- from t
he state budget over the past number of years -- has negatively effected wh
at you can do in your position, and/or your department or unit can do, to s
erve the mission of the university and of the UW system, as well as meet th
e needs of students and the community
6. Alternatives to Sodexho
7. Specific struggles you have faced, or continue to face, in support of
academic freedom
8. Historical or comparative accounts and analyses of campus actions wit
h which you are familiar concerning protest on behalf of progressive issues
and causes
9. The status of adjunct faculty on this campus, and the University's us
e of 'non-permanent' and 'part-time' labor even more broadly defined
10. Specific racial, ethnic, gender, sexual, and/or class disparities, i
nequalities, and injustices on this campus, in our ordinary and extraordina
ry workings, as well as in the surrounding community
This is just a few areas Jeremy Gragert and I, as well as other members of
the Progressive Coalition (the core organizers of PSA, PMN, the Eau Claire
Progressive Film Festival and Series, Progressive Film and Video Makers, WH
YS-UWEC, and ACLU-UWEC) have discussed as ones where we would especially we
lcome contributions. We'll try to send out more ideas for prospective topi
cs--for example, Jeremy is especially interested in articles dealing with w
ar profiteering for the next issue. But we'd really like in particular,
as we can, to call people's attention to issues very close to home and at t
he heart of what we are all about at UWEC--and especially what we have to s
truggle with and against to meet our foremost goals and expectations.
Feel free to contact me, or Jeremy, with questions. And you can submit wha
t you write to either of us, as an e-mail attachment:<><>
Just go ahead and write whatever you can if it fits within our broad progre
ssive framework, and send it to us (and it doesn't have to have a local foc
us, despite the list of topic ideas I elaborated above). Ideally, we shoul
d receive your submission(s) by the end of the day November 16 if at all po
ssible, although we will have some flexibility with that date.
All the Best,
Bob Nowlan
Co-Editor, _Progressive Outpost_