From: "Nowlan, Robert A." <> Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2007 11:59:32 -0500 Subject: Writing for _Progressive Outpost_ -- More Message-ID: <>
Greetings, Friends:
I thought I'd share this with you. Maria Boland has proposed to write
for _Progressive Outpost_ about the School of the Americas/WHINSEC (Maria i
s chief organizer and leader of the student protest trip I alluded to in my
preceding message). Maria knows a lot about this and is committed to acti
ng in relation to it.
Anything like that -- you can and should write on yourself! If you are
like me, you will have recognized again and again that the vast majority o
f people in this area, and especially on this campus, have limited familiar
ity with many specific, concrete issues of progressive interest and concern
--even when we think they should. Here's your chance to help share this kn
owledge, and broaden and deepen the interest and concern. Any progressive
issue that you've been particularly involved with and have a passion for,
including ones that you have brought to bear in your work on campus, includ
ing as a teacher -- in and for your classes -- we will welcome! We don't h
ave a regular print publication dedicated toward progressive news, analysis
, reflection, argument, etc. in this area other than _Progressive Outpost_
and we at _Progressive Outpost_ can use what you submit us. The more we ha
ve the better our opportunities to raise funds to make this a long-term sus
tainable project (although we're not going anywhere anytime soon), and to k
eep expanding and strengthening what we do. Faculty, staff, students, alum
ni, administrators, community members, and even people living outside of th
e community are all welcome to submit for us!
Thank you -- keep Maria's example in mind. And here's a final point o
f encouragement--we are thinking that if and when we have enough solid, qua
lity material we can double the current size, and even add additional color
s of ink. So help us do that. Let's make a big impact come December.
Finally, very specific to staff and faculty for peace and justice, we
especially strongly welcome reports, commentaries, and reflections relevant
to the Eberth Alarcon Memorial Lecture Series, and any and all other proje
cts sfpj has discussed working on at this time.
Bob Nowlan<>