A couple of announcement of interest

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Nowlan, Robert A. (RANOWLAN@uwec.edu)
Thu, 29 Nov 2007 17:00:09 -0600

From: "Nowlan, Robert A." <RANOWLAN@uwec.edu>
Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2007 17:00:09 -0600
Subject: A couple of announcement of interest
Message-ID: <7A17A445D0203848B157E8D70D1AC77E45A10B9EA8@CHERRYPEPSI.uwec.edu>

Hi Everyone,

    Just a couple of quick announcements that you might find of interest:

1. Jeremy Gragert and I have decided to push back the publication date f or the next issue of _Progressive Outpost_ until February 2008, although we
 expect it should be out by the end of January, likely right in time for th e start of the new semester. If you have anything at all that you think mi ght be useful or of interest, please feel free to submit it, all the way up
 until mid-January, to either Jeremy or me. It just would have been too di fficult to put together a December issue and a February issue, and at this point in time, an issue timed to coincide with the start of the new semeste r likely will have greater impact anyway.

2. For the first time in twelve years the Chippewa Valley Civil Libertie s Union has a new president, as Ann Heywood, although remaining on the CVCL U as well as the Wisconsin state Boards of Directors, is stepping down, and
 Jeremy Gragert is now the new CVCLU President. It's quite a tribute to Je remy's considerable impact on this campus, in this community, and throughou t this regional area that he is now CVCLU President, and I expect he will d o a fine job leading us forward, including by continuing to build upon and expand the activist focus that Ann has pushed us to develop over the course
 of the last several years. If you have any issue of civil liberties conce rn, or interest, that you'd like to get the ACLU involved in, in any way, y ou should certainly feel welcome to contact Jeremy.

Best regards,

Bob Nowlan

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