5 Years of War! - Gaylord's response to our concerns

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Richmond, Rick (rrichmon@uwec.edu)
Tue, 11 Mar 2008 10:05:55 -0500

From: "Richmond, Rick" <rrichmon@uwec.edu>
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2008 10:05:55 -0500
Subject: 5 Years of War! - Gaylord's response to our concerns
Message-ID: <7A17A445D0203848B157E8D70D1AC77E4618835914@CHERRYPEPSI.uwec.edu>

________________________________________ From: Gpoppegard@aol.com [Gpoppegard@aol.com] Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2008 09:53 To: Richmond, Rick Subject: Re: FW: 5 Years of War!


Their point is well taken. I should have mentioned the 1 million Iraqis d ead as a result of this war. I should have mentioned the 4 million Iraqis who have been displaced in this war. I should have mentioned the millions of children who have essentially missed 5 years of education as a result of
 this war. I should have mentioned the discomfort suffered by the Iraqis b ecause of the lack of heating fuel and electricity.

I often do mention the above stated items because the suffering of Iraqis f ar exceeds the suffering of this nation! Perhaps these concerns could be p ut forth in the form of signs, informational hand outs or speeches at the event on Saturday. That would be most welcome!

Please accept my apologies for not stating my thoughts more completely and more correctly!

Please pass this along to those concerned.

Thanks, Gaylord

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