RE: Thinking about Sisters; FEINGOLD RECOMMENDATION: call US legislators

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Wesenberg, Nancy Christine (
Fri, 11 Apr 2008 09:58:18 -0500

From: "Wesenberg, Nancy Christine" <>
Date: Fri, 11 Apr 2008 09:58:18 -0500
Subject: RE: Thinking about Sisters; FEINGOLD RECOMMENDATION:  call US legislators
Message-ID: <>

Actually, I think Dan Drumm mentioned it first, I was just in support! E specially if for any reason the sister city doesn't work out. Nancy

-----Original Message----- From: [mailto: [mailto:sfpj-request@listserve.uwec.e du] On Behalf Of Pope, Karen O. Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2008 9:12 AM To: Hale, C. Kate; SFPJ Cc: Subject: Thinking about Sisters; FEINGOLD RECOMMENDATION: call US legislato rs Importance: High

Dear SFPJ & other colleagues:

Kate's message about the Iraq University situation really reinforces that w e can't be silent about what is happening. Perhaps while discussing a sist er city arrangement with Iraq ON MAY 8TH 4:30 (PLEASE MARK CALENDARS!) , w e can also consider a sister University arrangement (this is Nancy W's idea

Here are two more thoughts PLEASE READ:

1. I watched the CTV coverage of Senator Feingold's town hall meeting in C HIPPEWA FALLS. I *heard him say* that his office gets VERY few calls on an y particular issue!! He particularly mentioned the IRAQ WAR. I find this hard to believe with all the PETITIONS we have been signing and
 sending, but his remarks made me think they really disregard those group o nline efforts in favor of particular and individual citizens taking the ti me to CALL THE OFFICE in Washington and make a statement on a particular is sue, bill etc. The mayor of CF asked Feingold what citizens could do to he lp him do his job better and he said encourage citizens to be more active i n calling. SO I SAY WE ABSOLUTELY FLOOD OUR WI REPS OFFICES WITH CALLS AND
 DIRECT MAIL. He said that town hall meetings help, of course, to hear directly from his constituents, but he needs documented evidence of citizen's views on issues
 in order to be most effective and to argue persuasively. I say we help him do his job.

2. Since the Senate is holding hearings this week featuring WAR FUNDING wh y not tell our Senators that the BEST ECONOMIC STIMULUS PACKAGE WE COULD RE CEIVE IS ENDING FUNDING FOR THE OCCUPATION AND KILLING IN IRAQ.



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