An Iranian's Appeal for Help

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Friend Pope (
Fri, 11 Jul 2008 09:39:54 -0400 (EDT)

Message-ID: <>
Date: Fri, 11 Jul 2008 09:39:54 -0400 (EDT)
From: Friend Pope <>
Subject: An Iranian's Appeal for Help

Dear Friend:

Iranian's don't want the US to "Iraq" their country. Friends at CODEPINK received the following letter from an Iranian:


I am from IRAN. My neighbor to the east, AFGHANISTAN, does not remember one year without war in 50 years, and my neighbor to the west, IRAQ, is covered with blood. Now it looks like the time has come for my country--IRAN. What can I do to save my family? What can I do to save my home, to save my country?

I can do nothing. What about you?


As citizen's of the most powerful country on earth, we must respond to this appeal and act. Please join me in calling Representative Ackerman today, (202-225-2601) and urge him to withdraw H. Con. Res. 362 (which proposes naval blockade of Iran -- amounting to a declaration of war) and promote diplomacy, not war. Your call will help Ackerman and the rest of Congress understand that the American people want to avoid another tragic and unnecessary war.

Please also sign CODEPINK's petition to Barack Obama, asking the presumptive Democratic nominee to pursue diplomacy with Iran and speak out against any acts of war by the Bush administration. Read and sign the petition here:

Thanks for raising your voice and answering an Iranian's appeal.

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