Help Us Stop the Jail - With Attachments

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Drumm, Daniel L. (
Mon, 4 Aug 2008 13:29:38 -0500

From: "Drumm, Daniel L." <>
Date: Mon, 4 Aug 2008 13:29:38 -0500
Subject: Help Us Stop the Jail - With Attachments
Message-ID: <>

Attachments included this time. Please forward this version.


This is a message I've sent to my contacts and thought you might want to do
 the same. Feel free to forward this message to as many people as you can.
  Also, don't forget to call/email City Council and Plan Commission members
 too! Thanks. . . We've almost won! We have convinced many city officials that a riverfront
 jail, or a jail of this size anywhere, is a bad idea. But we need your help - Without extra input from the public, we may lose th is fight. I'm hoping you'll have time and an inclination to help us at this crucial h our. The CAJE (Citizens for Accountability in Jail Expansion) need people to contact City Council members regarding the proposed jail project. In ap prox. 2 weeks, the City Council will vote on the County Board's request to rezone property for the jail expansion project. We can stop the project an d get everyone back to the drawing board if the City Council rejects the re zoning request. We need lots of Eau Claire citizens to contact City Counci l members and also Plan Commission members (who make recommendations to the
 City Council about the rezoning issue), and let them know about our opposi tion to the project. Will you help?

First, either email, telephone, or write a letter to City Council and/or Pl an Commission members (just one, several, or all of them). All you need to
 say is: (1) you're a voter in Eau Claire, (2) you're opposed to the jail p roject as it's been proposed, and (3) you do not want the city to go forwar d with rezoning the designated property. I've attached a contact list for C ity Council and Plan Commission members for your use.

Second, try to find people to who will make similar contacts. Let's just t ry to find at least 5-10 people each week who would agree to send emails or
 make telephone calls. Then, ask those folks to contact 5-10 people to do the same thing. We should keep this up until the vote is in.

I've also attached our recent CAJE newsletter plus the poster for the Wedne sday Aug 6 Jail Awareness Rally at City Hall at 4 PM. Help spread the word
 about that too!

Third, If you're interested in supplemental information about the proposed jail, go to<> for: (1)
 the jail site plan; (2) the City's comprehensive plan that provides the ci ty's vision for Eau Claire (which specifically designates protecting the do wntown riverfront); (3) the National Institute of Corrections EC Judicial S ystem analysis report (which, among other things, stipulates that the jail expansion plan is foolish); (4) the EC Citizens for Accountability in Jail
 Expansion (CAJE) Review (which provides most of the arguments against the proposed jail); plus other information. There's also more info on the blog

Thanks again for any help you can provide, and please feel free to get in t ouch with questions. Also, feel free to distribute this to all your friends
 and neighbors who support us!

-- Dan Drumm

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