Friday's press release re PEG on basic

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Drumm, Daniel L. (
Wed, 3 Sep 2008 15:03:30 -0500

From: "Drumm, Daniel L." <>
Date: Wed, 3 Sep 2008 15:03:30 -0500
Subject: Friday's press release re PEG on basic
Message-ID: <>

From: Dan [] On Behalf Of Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2008 12:39 AM To: Dan Subject: Friday's press release re PEG on basic

Dear Friends of CTV,

In case you haven't heard, Charter Communications has announced that they w ill keep the CTV Channels on the analog basic tier after all and they will be lighting us up on the digital tier at 993 for the Education, Public Acce ss Channel (Currently 11) and 994 for the Government Channel (Currently 12)
. End of good news. The bad news? CTV channels 11 and 12 will move to 96 a nd 97 respectively on the analog tier for an undetermined period of time. These changes will be effective on September 30. As WAPC Exec. Director, Ma ry Cardona suggests in her attached news release, this is a vast improvemen t over Charter's previous announcement that they would discontinue analog d istribution of CTV, which would have cut CTV away from nearly half of Chart er's subscribers.

To call this a victory for anyone rings hollow. Even Charter has demonstrat ed to it's customers that community affairs have taken a back seat. It do es not kill us, it weakens us again and makes it unnecessarily harder to pr ovide our service. Given that and the passage of The Cable Deregulation Act
 (42) earlier this year, this is probably the best outcome we can hope for without remedial legislation in Madison. Just remember, the CTV auction will be on Channels 96 and 97... and 993 and
 994 on November 3 and 4. Pass the word. Thank you again for your support of Community Television.

Joel Desprez, Executive Director Community Television 800 Wisconsin St. Eau Claire, WI 54703 Phone: 715.839.5067 Fax: 715.839.6261 email: web:

It is not incumbent upon you to finish the task. Yet, you are not free to d esist from it" Pirkei Avot (2:19-20)
-----Original Message----- From: Mary Cardona, WAPC [] Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2008 8:57 AM To: Subject: Friday's press release re PEG on basic I wanted to make sure all of you received this press release that was sent to about 10 reporters around the state.

I am very pleased that Charter will keep PEG on the basic tier. Believe me,
 without the pressure from WAPC, this would not have happened.

At this time, we will not be pursuing an injunction. Moving our channels ar ound the basic tier, even though the channels are in the Siberia of analog is within Charter's discretion, unfortunately. If Charter does give notice of carrying the channels only in the digital format before the company tran sitions entirely to digital, we will let you know and we will pursue the in junction.

Thank you to all of the cities who were considering being plaintiffs in the
 injunction and to all of you who have given to the legal fund.

Even though we did not pursue the injunction, we did incur a large legal bi ll researching this issue and presenting it to Charter and to those who wer e in a position to help us. Please give generously to WAPC to help us cover
 these costs! We will be in touch about this in the next few days.


Mary Cardona Executive Director Wisconsin Association of PEG Channels ph:  608-215-5594 fax:  608-233-6148

<smaller>Mary Cardona

Executive Director

Wisconsin Association of PEG Channels

ph:  608-215-5594

fax:  608-233-6148


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