Re: E-Newsletter: House to Act on Comprehensive Energy Plan Next Week

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Pope, Karen O. (
Sat, 13 Sep 2008 08:27:16 -0500

From: "Pope, Karen O." <>
Date: Sat, 13 Sep 2008 08:27:16 -0500
Subject: FW: E-Newsletter: House to Act on Comprehensive Energy Plan Next Week
Message-ID: <>


I suggest we all contact "our" representative. By comprehensive he means w eak. Way too wimpy; the democrats cave in again. Off shore oil drilling? 15 pe rcent of renewables by 2020? This is a joke and an insult.

________________________________________ From: Congressman Ron Kind [] Sent: Friday, September 12, 2008 3:58 PM To: Pope, Karen O. Subject: E-Newsletter: House to Act on Comprehensive Energy Plan Next Week

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September 12, 2008

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Dear Friend,

During the August work period, I went on a Western Wisconsin Energy Tour, v isiting businesses right in our backyard that are on the cutting-edge of re newable technologies.

What I heard repeatedly from the families and businesses I visited was that
 we share the same goal: an immediate, bipartisan, and comprehensive energy
 strategy. That is why I am pleased to tell you that early next week the H ouse will act on the Comprehensive American Energy Security & Consumer Prot ection Act.

This legislation has it all: tremendous investments in renewable energy, in creased domestic supply, and greater conservation.

This bill will:

 * Invest in wind, solar, and natural gas through tax incentives and infr astructure development;
 * Open up additional offshore areas for drilling;
 * Release oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve;
 * Require that 15 percent of America’s energy comes from renewable sou rces by 2020;
 * End taxpayer subsidies to the five largest oil companies; and
 * Require oil companies to develop leases they already own or lose the o pportunity.

I have long stressed the importance of using a combination of tactics to pr ovide short-term relief at the pump and long-term energy independence that will prevent another energy crisis down the road. I look forward to suppor ting this historic legislation when it comes to the floor next week because
 I believe it is time to come together on behalf of the American people.



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