From: "Drumm, Dan L." <> Date: Mon, 8 Dec 2008 16:12:54 -0600 Subject: Tonight - John Perkins, bestselling author of "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man" Message-ID: <>
See John Perkins
In his capacity as an Economic Hitman, John Perkins traveled the world-to A
frica, Asia, Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East-and was either a di
rect participant in or witness to some of the most dramatic events in moder
n history, including the Saudi Arabian Money-laundering Affair, the fall of
the Shah of Iran, the assassination of Panama's President Omar Torrijos, t
he subsequent invasion of Panama, and events leading up to the 2003 invasio
n of Iraq.
Tonight @7:30
$8 or faculty/staff, $4 for UW System/CVTC students.
- Dan