Jail Site - Survey of Businesses

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Drumm, Dan L. (DRUMM@uwec.edu)
Wed, 18 Mar 2009 16:36:15 -0500

From: "Drumm, Dan L." <DRUMM@uwec.edu>
Date: Wed, 18 Mar 2009 16:36:15 -0500
Subject: Jail Site - Survey of Businesses
Message-ID: <EEA4CA65D05DC54E874A89D9F518681953EEDE0AF5@CHERRYCOKE.uwec.edu>

Here is a list of comments made by people filling out a biased survey DECI
(Downtown Eau Claire inc.) sent to businesses about the jail site.

Not a big surprise here. Not many businesses like the idea of a downtown j ail site.


- Dan

Results Overview: Open Ended Responses Filter: No filter applied (15 Response(s) Returned)

 3. If the jail AND the courthouse were to move outside of the downtown are a, your current business

 # Response
 1 Would not be affected
 2 would be affected. lots of lawyers house downtown
 3 Would not be affected
 4 Any affect shortterm; building won't remain empty.
 5 Would improve my business
 7 would welcome the move outside of downtown
 8 would be affected positively
 9 Would not be affected! Or, positively
 10 would not be affected
 11 Would be pleased with no jail expansion downtown
 12 Would be positively affected by the change.
 13 You aren't giving the right answer options!
 14 All business and downtown expansion would benefit
 15 would definitely be affected by the change!

Results Overview: Open Ended Responses Filter: No filter applied (52 Response(s) Returned)

 1. What is your preference in regards to the jail site location?

 # Response
 1 Both should be moved
 2 I perfer them both to be out of downtown...
 3 Courthouse stays downtown, jail outside of town
 4 Both need to move outside of town.
 5 No Jail Downtown!
 6 Prefer courthouse stays downtown, jail site moved
 7 Courthouse stays downtown, jail out of city
 8 Prefer no jail expansion downtown-move site
 9 Prefer Jail not be downtown.
 10 Move Both - Not Downtown - Give city building
 11 courthouse on river, jail on oxford side close 2nd
 12 No new county jail or courthouse in downtown.
 13 Courthouse stays donwtown, move jail to cheaper re
 14 Use land outside of city that it already owns!
 15 Jail courts remote / Government downtown / Police?
 16 One preference on jail site is not downtown!
 17 Get jail away from downtown,put out in the country
 18 Move both out where there is room to expand.
 19 Leave the Courthouse as is.Jail outer limits-town
 20 courthouse downtown - jail not downtown
 22 Keep it off the river
 23 we don't need a new jail!
 24 Jail should be somewhere it can expand.
 25 Courthouse Downtown/jail elsewhere
 26 remote courts & Jail -
 27 Prefer Courthouse downtown, Jail on north side of
 28 the jail should not be in its current location.
 29 space is too limited for a meaninglful response
 30 Prefer jail located other than downtown!!
 31 need to preserve neighborhood 1st ave bad for jail
 32 dependent on site availability for jail elsewhere
 33 Would be pleased with no jail expansion downtown
 34 I do not want the jail to be downtown at all.
 35 No jail downtown! why isn't that an option?
 36 Jail on out skirt of town
 37 courthouse and jail relocate outside downtown
 38 Courthouse downtown, Jail NOT downtown
 39 Do not have jail next to valuable river land.
 40 I prefer that the jail go outside of downtown.
 41 Courthouse downtown, and jail NOT downtown.
 42 Jail and Courthouse move, government services stay
 43 Courthouse Downtown, Jail Out of Downtown
 44 jail near interstate,satelite courtroom there
 45 The jail should not be downtown.
 46 Move Health Dept to empty downtown bldgs east rive
 47 If constructing - move to non-downtown location
 48 Jail, co-site with Chippewa / Altoona 2 share cost
 49 Prefer both move out of town.
 50 Prefer both move, starting with the jail
 51 Prefer both jail and courthouse move
 52 Prefer both jail and courthouse move

Displaying 1-52 of 52 Responses Select Page: First | Previous | Next |

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This archive was generated on Wed Mar 18 2009 - 16:36:28 Central Daylight Time