RE: healthcare petition short and sweet

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Pope, Karen O. (
Wed, 9 Sep 2009 22:12:19 -0500

From: "Pope, Karen O." <>
Date: Wed, 9 Sep 2009 22:12:19 -0500
Subject: RE: healthcare petition short and sweet
Message-ID: <>

Certainly, signing a petition is voluntary. I agree with you that health c are should be considered a universal right, but it seems to me that we mus t assert our rights by petitioning the government to recognize, acknowledge
 and honor them. History teaches us that. That being said, here is another petition to endorse legislation introduced
 by Conyers and Kucinich. Regardless of approach or nuance, I think now is
 the time to be insistent, vocal and assertive and impress on federal elect ed officials that we expect action. You can easily respond or hit the dele te key. karen
-----begin forward-----------------------------

From: Dennis Kucinich <> Subject: Health Care or Insurance Care? It's Time to Respond! To: Date: Tuesday, September 8, 2009, 12:54 PM

Dennis Kucinich -

Health Care or Insurance Care? It's Time to Respond! Dear Friends,

The health care decision-making process in Washington is horribly tainted b y the campaign contributions of insurance and pharmaceutical interests. Und er the pay-to-play system health care becomes insurance care, the public op tion shrinks to irrelevance, the choice we are left: What kind of private, for-profit insurance do you want? This is not acceptable. We must respond n ow, and not settle for a plan which subsidizes insurance companies and phar maceutical companies and sets the stage for the privatization of Medicare. We want Health Care for all the people, Medicare for All, which is exactly what the bill John Conyers and I wrote, HR 676, accomplishes. And the only way we will achieve it is to organize and take action in our communities to
 effect real change at a state and national level. Let us initiate immediat ely an action plan to intervene and provide health care for all:

   1. On-line petition. Please contact your lists, your family and friends.
 Please sign the petition for a single payer system. I will deliver the pet itions directly to your Congressperson.
   2. Petition to download, print and circulate among friends and neighbors
 - including an instruction sheet.
   3. A National Health Care for All Conference Call from Washington, DC, a t 10 pm EDT, Thursday, September 10th at 1-800-230-1096. Join us, so that w e can discuss our new beginning and ways in which we can all help. Pre-regi stration is necessary in order to reserve sufficient phone lines. Please RS VP here. When you call in and the operator asks, "what conference call?" te ll the operator, "Health Care for All."
   4. Health Care Meet-Ups. Coming Thursday September 10 2009.
   5. Tell A Friend. Every email forwarded will make a difference? Please u se the "Forward Email" link below to circulate up to 5 emails at a time to your friends.

I need your help to initiate this action. If you believe, as I do, that we can and must begin a new long-term state-by-state grassroots effort to crea te a single-payer, not-for-profit health care system, please contribute now

                please contribute

Thank you.

Sincerely. Dennis


________________________________________ From: Wahome, Kimamo Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2009 9:31 AM To: Pope, Karen O.;; Bethany Jacobson; Betty & Ray Hur st (; Betty Wolcott []; eileend;; Havholm, Karen G.; margotbouchard; Karen Bronshteyn ; Katherine Hinnant; Larson, Jan M.;; Karen Bronshteyn ; Katherine Hinnant; Larson, Jan M.; leclam@ch; S. Mary Fran Gebhard; SFPJ; Steve Wagener;; S. Mary Fran Gebhard; SFPJ; Steve Wagener; rosenquist.eric@gmail
.com; Subject: RE: healthcare petition short and sweet

Sorry, but I cannot support this petition as matter of principle & morality
. If, indeed, healthcare is fundamental to life, then it is must be a fund amental right. Ergo, it cannot, must not, and shall not be subjected to th e vagaries of the market. Ergo, the only logical, sensible, moral & ethica l healthcare proposal is: A single payer, universal system. Nothing more, nothing less.

-----Original Message----- From: [mailto: [mailto:sfpj-request@listserve.uwec.e du] On Behalf Of Pope, Karen O. Sent: Tuesday, September 08, 2009 10:01 PM To:; Bethany Jacobson; Betty & Ray Hurst (; Bethany Jacobson; Betty & Ray Hurst (betty@bit-ga; Betty Wolcott [];; el; Havholm, Karen G.;; Kare n Bronshteyn ; Katherine Hinnant; Larson, Jan M.;; S. Ma ry Fran Gebhard; SFPJ; Steve Wagener;; recineloui Subject: FW: healthcare petition short and sweet

forwarding, with apologies if you've already received this a time or two al ready.


_______________________________ From: To: Subject: healthcare petition short and sweet Date: Tue, 8 Sep 2009 19:07:44 -0500<http://healthcareforameric>


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