Net Neutrality online petition to FCC chair-- Members of Congress Just Sold You Out

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Pope, Karen O. (
Wed, 21 Oct 2009 09:28:19 -0500

From: "Pope, Karen O." <>
Date: Wed, 21 Oct 2009 09:28:19 -0500
Subject: Net Neutrality online petition to FCC chair--   Members of Congress Just Sold You Out
Message-ID: <>


________________________________ From: Misty Perez Truedson, [] Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2009 8:34 AM To: Pope, Karen O. Subject: Members of Congress Just Sold You Out



Dear Karen,

Sometimes politicians need to be reminded whom they really work for. Now is
 one of those times.

Last week, several dozen members of Congress put the interests of AT&T ahea d of yours and signed a letter to the FCC opposing the agency's efforts to protect Net Neutrality.

AT&T and these members of Congress were hoping we wouldn’t notice this de ception. Well, we did. And now we’re sending our own message:

Tell the FCC: Stand with the Public for Net Neutrality<http://free.convio.n et/site/R?i=2cMxpO6XHFce5JzmaXt4eA..>

We’re gathering 10,000 signatures to push back against the members of Con gress who buckled under telecom industry pressure. We need you to send the FCC an urgent message of support for Net Neutrality.

Sign this letter<
> and then tell your friends and neighbors to do the same.<http://free.conv>

The big phone and cable companies have launched an all-out assault to stop Net Neutrality. They've hired hundreds of lobbyists, spent tens of millions
 of dollars, and unleashed sleazy Astroturf groups to mislead politicians, distort the facts and resurrect long-debunked myths.

They’re scrambling to stop the FCC from even beginning to discuss making Net Neutrality the rule of the road. It's vitally important that the FCC ta ke up this action to protect Net Neutrality as planned.

Tell the FCC to Stand Firm on Net Neutrality< i=ujhplDVlQcVtBlqRGHv7Ig..>

Some members of Congress aren’t listening to the people they represent. W e must remind them whom they really work for. Let’s send them a strong me ssage today, and guarantee an open Internet for generations to come.

Thank you,

Misty Perez Truedson Campaign Manager Free Press

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