2010 Eau Claire Progressive Film Festival--Request for Help

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Nowlan, Bob (RANOWLAN@uwec.edu)
Tue, 19 Jan 2010 10:32:19 -0600

From: "Nowlan, Bob" <RANOWLAN@uwec.edu>
Date: Tue, 19 Jan 2010 10:32:19 -0600
Subject: 2010 Eau Claire Progressive Film Festival--Request for Help
Message-ID: <7A17A445D0203848B157E8D70D1AC77E81CB69055B@CHERRYPEPSI.uwec.edu>

Dear Friends,

            I am writing to ask for your help with the 2010 Eau Claire Prog ressive Film Festival. The festival will run on the campus of the Univers ity of Wisconsin-Eau Claire from Friday April 16 through Sunday April 25.
 All screenings will be followed by facilitated discussions, and all sessio ns will be free.

            We have so far successfully raised more than enough money to pa y for the cost of screenings rights and permissions as well as promotion an d publicity (more than $5000.00), and we have successfully secured permissi on to screen 19 of the 22 films we have chosen to include in the festival ( after researching and investigating multiple hundreds of prospects) . I ex pect to arrange permission on the final three shortly. And soon after tha t we will devise the precise schedule for the ten days. For your informati on, I have attached a list with descriptions of the films we plan to includ e in this year's lineup.

            What we need help with are two things: 1.) publicity and promot ion, and 2.) running sessions-screenings followed by discussions.

            In the past -2006, 2007, and 2008-festivals UWEC students have done the bulk of the work on publicity and promotion (with some earning cou rse credit and some earning service-learning credit for doing so-that is po ssible again this year as well). Justin Hoelzen, 2010 Eau Claire Progressi ve Film Festival Director, and I (Eau Claire Progressive Film Festival Exec utive Director) would like to recruit a similar group of UWEC students to c ontribute in this way again this semester. Unfortunately, because of an ex tended, serious illness last fall I wasn't able to put in as much time and effort as I have in the past recruiting students. So I am now asking you i f you would encourage any students you know who you think might be interest ed in helping out with promotion and publicity to contact Justin and I so a s to begin doing so. In the past students have enjoyed working on the fest ival a lot, and also found contributing to make it happen very rewarding as
 well. We don't necessarily need a lot -anywhere from 8 to 12 people woul d be fine, as long as they are reasonably dedicated.

            Second, we expect to run at least eighteen sessions during the ten days of the festival. We would like to invite you, if interested and a s available, to run a session. In the past, Paul Kaldjian, Sean McAleer, a nd Stacy Thompson have done so for us, on more than one occasion, and they have all done outstanding jobs. We want to make these valuable educationa l events, and we believe you, as faculty and staff, share that interest, an d of course maintain considerable experience and expertise in running educa tional sessions of various kinds. If interested, and if available-even if
 tentatively or possibly so-please let Justin and I know; we really will gr eatly appreciate your help. 18 sessions is a lot for two people to run all
 by ourselves in ten days-especially with everything else going on during t he normal course of the semester; we really can use your help.

            And, finally, whatever you might be able to do, in general, to spread the word will be much appreciated. I think we have an exciting lin eup of some very important and interesting films this year. Justin and I would like to make sure as many people who might well be interested in atte nding screenings-and participating in discussions-are aware this will be ha ppening, and are thereby prepared to do so (especially since the Eau Claire
 Progressive Film Festival is returning for this, its fourth, year after a one-year hiatus).

Thank you very much for whatever you can do to help us out.

For your information, my email contact is:


And Justin's email contact is:


Best regards,

Bob Nowlan

PS: In the attached list with descriptions of the films, those with stars in front of their numbers in the list are those we have to date secured per mission to screen.

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