From: "Pope, Karen O." <> Date: Tue, 9 Feb 2010 11:42:47 -0600 Subject: Push Congress a little . . .more Message-ID: <>
Subject: Tell Congress to finish health care reform now!
As politicians fret about the political risks of health care reform instead
of fixing our broken system, people are dying.
And last week, that reality hit home. Melanie Shouse, a MoveOn Council lead
er in St. Louis, passed away from breast cancer while still fighting her in
surance company for chemotherapy coverage.
There is a serious cost to inaction on health care—real people's lives. A
nd it's time to remind Washington of this.
I just sent a message to Congress telling them that I stand with Melanie, a
nd it's time to put real people ahead of politics and finish health care re
form. Can you join me at the link below?