Message-ID: <49DEEDABE2F14B3C82B2DC9DA6EFA25D@karenPC> From: "Karen Baumgartner" <> Subject: Found use for unknown iron object Date: Mon, 3 Nov 2014 21:29:27 -0600
Hello all,
I want to thank you for your responses to my query about a metal rope
It is a piece of equipment used with a hay carriage system of lifting,
carrying and dropping hay from a wagon into the hay mow. This system,
invented by Louden, used numerous ropes to lift and carry the hay. The
pieces in question kept the ropes in place between the hook on the
carriage and the hay bundle. Louden has catalogs online and there is a
North American Hay Tool Association that is really into hay carriages.
Thanks especially to Pete who wrote a detailed explanation from which
even a city dweller could paint a picture of how it is used.
Karen B.
German Settlement History, Inc.
Ogema, Wisconsin