From: JANET IRENE SEYMOUR <> Subject: Fw: Upcoming Webinars for Connecting to Collections Care Date: Tue, 22 Oct 2019 13:27:42 +0000 Message-id: <>
From: <> on behalf of 'C2CC@' [FS-LIST] < [FS-LIST] <FS-LIST@yahoogro>
Sent: Monday, October 21, 2019 6:42 PM
To: AAMG-List <>; Colorado Connecting to Collections <collect>; FS-list <>; Heather Rig
gs <>; HIstoric House Museums <>; HIstoric House Museums <historichousemuseums@yah>; NASMA List <>; Small Museums <smal>
Subject: [FS-LIST] Upcoming Webinars for Connecting to Collections Care
At Connecting to Collections Care we have two free webinars coming up that
should be of interest:
Collection Facility Planning: Preparing for the Next Renovation with Jeffre
y Weatherston,
October 29, 2019, 2:00 EDT
The very nature of collecting means ever-increasing demands on the faciliti
es and equipment housing the collected materials and the need for ongoing a
nd sustained planning to meet those demands. For most successful and active
collecting institutions, over time, facilities become gradually more and m
ore crowded and access to the collected material more and more challenging.
Eventually the need to expand facilities becomes essential to continuing t
he important work of collecting the valuable materials required for researc
h, education and cultural advancement. Whether that means a simple reorgani
zation of space, major renovation, addition or a new building this webinar
will provide an overview of the planning work needed before engaging in the
design of new or improved facilities.
Considerations to be discussed include how to translate existing storage co
nditions into future storage need, how to address existing collection crowd
ing and project collection growth and what is needed to facilitate access w
hile developing an efficient storage system. Equally important is the under
standing that a collection facility is not just about storage but also the
spaces and tools needed to care for, research and access the collection mat
erials. What is the impact of best practices in collection care, pest manag
ement, environment control and workflow on the organization of a collection
facility? What are the spaces needed to accomplish the important tasks of
curators, researchers, programmers, teachers and collection professionals i
n their work with collections? All of these will be explored in the course
of this webinar.
To sign up see:
How to Change a Lightbulb: LED Lighting for Museums with Scott Rosenfeld, N
ovember 21,2019, 2:00 EST
The introduction of LEDs, and the subsequent phasing out of some incandesce
nt lights, are forcing many museums to reevaluate how to light their collec
tions. Thankfully LEDs can do a great job while saving energy and providing
access to new and fantastic capabilities.
This webinar will demonstrate how light-emitting diodes (LEDs) emit light,
describe methods for assessing the qualities of light and provide examples
of how good lighting design can help provide a dynamic visitor experience w
hile minimizing light’s harmful impact on collections. The talk will be r
ichly illustrated with examples from exhibits at Smithsonian American Art M
useums and include information that ranges from simple retrofits to advance
d control systems.
The following topics will be covered:
* Describe the similarities and differences between LED, incandescent a
nd fluorescent light.
* Discuss how to how to balance the display and preservation of art whe
n using LED lighting.
* Show how to access light and get started on choosing among different
lighting systems.
* Demonstrate how good light, and great collections, can create and ins
pire wonder.
To sign up see:
M. Susan Barger, PhD, Fellow-AIC
Connecting to Collections Care Coordinator
The Connecting to Collections Care Online Community<https://urldefense.proo
XlzlLzN1MVuYufO7fZp8Q&e=> helps smaller cultural institutions to provide
well-informed care for their valuable collections. All content in the C2C C
are Community, with the exception of special courses, is provided for FREE.
This service is a program of the Foundation for Advancement in Conservatio
n and is made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Servi
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