From: Dawn McCarthy <> Date: Thu, 7 May 2020 10:36:20 -0500 Message-ID: <> Subject: Preservation Month Pep Talk!
Preservation Month Pep Talk!What is historic preservation? Why are we
saving these old buildings?
Milwaukee Preservation Alliance invites you to attend a virtual
meeting, *Preservation
Month Pep Talk with Sarah Marsom on Monday, May 18th at 5:30p.m*.
Attendance is free but registration is required
*Guest speaker Sarah Marsom's Preservation Pep Talk* will weave personal
anecdotes with the the history of the movement and examples of forward
thinking initiatives in preservation today. Whether you are looking to
learn the basics of historic preservation or learn new strategies for your
community advocacy toolkit, you won't want to miss out on this pep talk!
Let’s expand our toolkit, our understanding of who is a preservatio
and empower each other for the future of our communities.
*Bio: Sarah Marsom'*s work as a heritage resource consultant is rooted in
empowering the next generation of community advocates and increasing
representation of lesser known histories. With 10+ years of experience
working in the cultural resources field, Sarah specializes in education and
outreach strategies in addition to strategic planning.
In 2018, Sarah was recognized by the National Trust for Historic Preservation as the recipient of the American Express Aspire Award during the 2018 National Preservation Awards and as an honoree of the inaugural 40 Under 40: People Saving Place's list. Sarah has been published as a contributor in Historic Preservation: An Introduction to Its History, Principles, and Practice (3rd ed.), Belt Publishing's Columbus Anthology, and numerous zines. Her work has been featured in Curbed, Traditional Building Magazine, and the National Parks Service’s LGBTQ America T heme Study, amongst other publications and podcasts.