Working list of coalition contacts and Meeting Announcement

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Kate Hale (
Wed, 02 Feb 2005 11:22:23 -0600

Date: Wed, 02 Feb 2005 11:22:23 -0600
Subject: Working list of coalition contacts and Meeting Announcement
From: Kate Hale <>
Message-ID: <>


As some of you know, we are exploring the formation of a coalition of the peace/justice groups in the region. The La Crosse area/Kickapoo Valley has a great network in place, and we would like to add to the possibilities of networking in our part of the state. As a means of getting started, I am compiling a list of groups/contacts. I would very much appreciate any additions, and, in the case of a few listings where there¹s not an email/we b site, or more info‹if you know something‹please let me know that as well.

We have a meeting scheduled for one week from today, the 9th, in the Alumni Room of Davies Center‹7:00-9:00 p.m.

Let me know if you have problems opening the attached file.

In Solidarity,


C. Kate Hale, Ph.D. Department of English 715-836-0148

³One is not born into the world to do everything but to do something.²
 Henry David Thoreau

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