Teach-In/Feb. 9th Meeting

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Hale, C. Kate (HALECL@uwec.edu)
Wed, 2 Feb 2005 17:20:43 -0600

Subject: Teach-In/Feb. 9th Meeting
Date: Wed, 2 Feb 2005 17:20:43 -0600
Message-ID: <B14120EE5C432443B21102F7925DAD020235F21E@COKE.uwec.edu>
From: "Hale, C. Kate" <HALECL@uwec.edu>

Hello SFPJ Listserve members,

I'm sending out a more formal note about the March teach-in and the planning we are going to do next Wednesday. Please come if you can, and also please forward this (edit if you like) to any groups or individuals you think would be supportive.

March 19th will mark the second anniversary of the Iraq invasion. There are protests planned around the country (and I imagine around the world) for that day. Normally (if that word applies in the context) there would be some protest or other event here on campus. The 19th,however, is the Saturday before the week of spring break for UWEC (and for the ECASD). So some campus groups want to organize a teach-in to be held the week leading up to the 19th--perhaps even with some events the weekend before the 19th.

I'm writing to invite you to a planning session: one week from today
(Wednesday February 9th) a meeting will be held in Davies Center (the Alumni Room, specifically) from 7-9 p.m. The campus group Staff and Faculty for Peace & Justice, together with the Progressive Student Association, is hoping to engage members from many different peace/justice groups in the Eau Claire area to participate.

We would welcome any of you to come add your voice to the discussion?if you can?t stay for the whole meeting, then come for whatever part of it you can manage. If you can?t come to the meeting on the 9th but want to be included in future planning, then let me know.

I?ll be sending this out to other groups that I know of, but please feel free to forward to others.

In Solidarity, Kate

------------------------------------------------------------------------ C. Kate Hale UWEC Dept. of English http://www.uwec.edu/english/Faculty/Hale.htm Northern Thunder board member http://www.northernthunder.org

"Hope is not prognostication. It is an orientation of the spirit, an orientation of the heart." Vaclav Havel


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