Speakers on Iraqi civilians

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Kate Hale (halecl@uwec.edu)
Mon, 14 Feb 2005 15:13:32 -0600

Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2005 15:13:32 -0600
Subject: Speakers on Iraqi civilians
From: Kate Hale <halecl@uwec.edu>
Message-ID: <BE36709C.244E%halecl@uwec.edu>


Plans are developing for the March teach-in. We have discussed the importance of including a session on the impacts of the war on Iraqi civilians; two speakers we had hoped might be able to do that‹Mike Miles an d John LaForge‹have scheduling conflicts. Does anyone on the list have suggestions for someone who could speak to this issue?

Obviously, if we could get Kathy Kelly to come, that¹d be great . . . . Or if a panel of resident experts could speak to the situation from different disciplines . . . .

Ideas, suggestions‹volunteers?



C. Kate Hale, Ph.D. Department of English halecl@uwec.edu 715-836-0148

³One is not born into the world to do everything but to do something.²
 Henry David Thoreau

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