Leader-Telegram "Forum" Question--Beth Franklin

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Hale, C. Kate (HALECL@uwec.edu)
Mon, 2 May 2005 10:11:39 -0500

Subject: Leader-Telegram "Forum" Question--Beth Franklin
Date: Mon, 2 May 2005 10:11:39 -0500
Message-ID: <B14120EE5C432443B21102F7925DAD020235F4DE@COKE.uwec.edu>
From: "Hale, C. Kate" <HALECL@uwec.edu>



If you feel more comfortable leaving an emailed comment rather than a recorded message (which is what you do if you call the Leader-Tel phone line), you can do so at the URL above.

Below is the text of the email message I just sent from that web page--"cross the line" is the phrasing they use in their question.

Kate Hale English

I speak as the parent of a Memorial High School student and as a post-secondary teacher for nearly 25 years.

"Cross the line" is a virtually meaningless expression, since there is widespread disagreement about where any line might be drawn. In my opinion, Memorial High School teacher Beth Franklin followed the best possible classroom practice in presenting this topic to her class: she sought to help them see that there is more to the world than what is obvious, that human lives are complex, that students need to be open-minded if they are to learn to think critically and deeply about the world. If Ms. Franklin crossed a line, I would say that the line she crossed was the barrier that keeps students comfortably mis-informed and unchallenged in their assumptions about the way the world works

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