1700 dead - Vigil #2

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Richmond, Rick (rrichmon@uwec.edu)
Thu, 16 Jun 2005 22:31:58 -0500

Subject: 1700 dead -  Vigil #2
Date: Thu, 16 Jun 2005 22:31:58 -0500
Message-ID: <BDD0A3EABE40F04A8C7200805EDE5A6A02DE9736@PEPSI.uwec.edu>
From: "Richmond, Rick" <rrichmon@uwec.edu>

As Independence Day approaches, so does the 1700'th US death in Iraq. We've no way of knowing how many civilians have died.
  On this 4th of July, perhaps we can stand together and speak out against the war. It's time to march. Stay tuned.
  Rick Richmond


From: Rick Richmond [mailto:rickrichmond@hotmail.com] Sent: Thu 6/16/2005 9:46 PM To: Richmond, Rick Subject: FW: Vigil #2

>From: "Myron Buchholz" <mbuchholz0239@charter.net>

>Subject: Vigil #2
>Date: Tue, 14 Jun 2005 08:07:24 -0500
>Last Veterans Day people gathered at the Federal builiding on Barstow.
>should be where there is some visibility, and a place to display a
>of all of the names of those killed so far. I will call those I know
>Vietman Vets against the war for some ideas. Maybe Walmart would let
>use their parking lot! (just kidding) I am also posting this to the
>Citizens for a Fair Wage list. What a great win that was. When I get
>bummed a bit I think of that and get a lift.
>>Original Message:
>>As we pass 1700 dead in Iraq I think it is time for a vigil, a reading
>>the names, or just something simple. This is clearly not ending any
>>soon. Any support out there? At 5 seconds a name it will take about
2 1/2
>>hrs to read them all.

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