Subject: Kick off for Fight Against Ban Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 09:27:12 -0600 Message-ID: <> From: "Wesenberg, Nancy Christine" <>
I know there is a lot going on around campus this week, but I want to
let any who don't already know about the Fair Wisconsin meeting tonight
to kick off our fight against the proposed amendment to the Wisconsin
constitution that would ban civil unions and gay marriage. A group of
folks committed to fighting the ban are meeting this evening at 5:30
p.m. in the Memorial lounge of Christ Church Cathedral on the corner of
Lake and Farwell Streets (side entrance). I believe the media have been
invited and it would be very helpful if we could have a large group
present to show support. If you have this hour free, PLEASE consider
showing up. We need to show that many in Wisconsin are indeed
fair-minded. Every time someone speaks up against this, it makes it
easier for others to do so as well.
Thank you.
Nancy Wesenberg