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Markgraf, Karl F. (MARKGRAF@uwec.edu)
Mon, 21 Aug 2006 08:27:19 -0500

Subject: FairWisconsin
Date: Mon, 21 Aug 2006 08:27:19 -0500
Message-ID: <D0AEBED8692AB14791F4FA1CE121CC6D0369CDEA@PEPSI.uwec.edu>
From: "Markgraf, Karl F." <MARKGRAF@uwec.edu>

Following up on Kate's message regarding FairWisconsin, and the need to turn our part of the state in the right (read left) direction, I'd encourage you to help the effort by canvassing. Door to door educational efforts are remarkably effective in terms of
    1) Informing people what this ban really means to citizens of Wisconsin and
    2) Mobilizing them to vote on it.
  And as educators, we bring to this effort the skills we practice every day in the classroom and on campus - the ability to explain, and to help others understand issues.
  There is a major canvassing push planned for Eau Claire, on August 26. Please Contact Hannah Johnson and volunteer your time, energy and skills to help educate your neighbors about this issue.
  See Hannah's forwarded message (below) for details.
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Dr. Karl Markgraf, Director Center for International Education University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Eau Claire, WI 54701 USA t: 715-836-4411 f: 715-836-4948 e: markgraf@uwec.edu http://www.uwec.edu/cie/index.htm <http://www.uwec.edu/cie/index.htm>

Dear Eau Claire Action Network,

Election Day is just around the corner and it's time to re-energize your commitment to stopping the ban on civil unions and marriage for gay couples.

On Saturday, August 26th we are kicking our door canvass efforts into high gear. We are organizing the biggest door canvass this campaign has seen, and we need your help to make it happen.

Please take a moment to think about how important stopping this ban is to you. If you've been too busy to canvass, have been feeling nervous about canvassing, or have been putting off canvassing for other reasons, now is the time to give canvassing a try. Canvassing is absolutely the most important thing we can do to ensure victory this November. Please summon up your courage and your resolve to defeat the ban, and come knock on doors with us Saturday, August 26 from 10-3 (we will be meeting at the Fair Wisconsin Office at 211 Graham Ave next to the Bottle and Barrel).

Please help make this canvass huge by recruiting five friends, family members or co-workers to join you for the Eau Claire Canvass. This is a critical moment of our campaign, and we need nothing less than 500 people knocking on doors around the state. Explain to those you care about, and who care about you why you are choosing to canvass with us even though you are busy or nervous about it. If you've canvassed with us before and know what a rewarding experience it is, share your stories with friends and family so they aren't quite so nervous about giving it a try.

We need your help. We need the help of your friends and family. Together we will win.

Sign up on the calendar: www.fairwisconsin.com/calendar
<http://www.fairwisconsin.com/calendar> , or call me with any questions. I hope to see you all on August 26th!

Hannah Johnson

Eau Claire Field Organizer

(715) 379-2051

A fair Wisconsin votes NO


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This archive was generated on Mon Aug 21 2006 - 08:27:23 Central Daylight Time