Spectator Editorial Column in Favor of the Marriage and Civil Union Ban

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Nowlan, Robert A. (RANOWLAN@uwec.edu)
Mon, 11 Sep 2006 12:20:32 -0500

Subject: Spectator Editorial Column  in Favor of the Marriage and Civil Union Ban
Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2006 12:20:32 -0500
Message-ID: <BDD0A3EABE40F04A8C7200805EDE5A6A0488D5AC@PEPSI.uwec.edu>
From: "Nowlan, Robert A." <RANOWLAN@uwec.edu>

In case you aren't already aware of it, today's issue of _The Spectator_, published twice-weekly on the UWEC campus, and distributed for free on campus and throughout the community, includes an editorial column arguing in favor of the constitutional amendment for a marriage and civil union ban in Wisconsin. Although it's not well-argued, as it's grossly inaccurate and overtly, albeit unintentionally (?), ignorant, bigoted, and even hypocritical, it is prominently featured and does repeat what many (still far too many) do firmly believe. It will be important to respond to this, and use its publication as an opportunity to make a strong argument in the opposite direction, through
_The Spectator_. Although I know a number of faculty and staff colleagues of mine don't read _The Spectator_ all that often, or all that closely, and also tend to be routinely dismissive of its quality, the paper is nonetheless still widely read by many, especially students, at UWEC--as well as by quite a few other people, surprisingly or not, beyond our campus. It would be a mistake to ignore the publication of this editorial. And it would be a mistake as well to underestimate the potential political power of inaccurate, ignorant, bigoted, and hypocritical argumentation over controversial issues in the midst of a close election season.
  Bob Nowlan
  Here's a link to the editorial in question:
  Marriage amendment clarifies law

http://www.spectatornews.com/news/2006/09/11/Editorialopinion/Marriage.A mendment.Clarifies.Law-2264796.shtml
<http://www.spectatornews.com/news/2006/09/11/Editorialopinion/Marriage. Amendment.Clarifies.Law-2264796.shtml>




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