RE: [eauclairewib] Fwd: Dump the Leader-Telegram

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Giamati, Claudia M. (
Wed, 8 Nov 2006 13:35:55 -0600

Subject: RE: [eauclairewib] Fwd: Dump the Leader-Telegram
Date: Wed, 8 Nov 2006 13:35:55 -0600
Message-ID: <>
From: "Giamati, Claudia M." <>

I think he really didn't "get it". In other words, he didn't realize people paid any attention, or got angry about intrusiveness. It shows lack of respect for the readers. Dump the LT!!!


[] On Behalf Of Bakker, Marcie Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2006 12:18 PM To: Hale, C. Kate; Subject: RE: [eauclairewib] Fwd: Dump the Leader-Telegram

He should use a proofreader!


I don't buy it; he had to know how it would be perceived the day before the election! I think his bias was showing.



[] On Behalf Of Kate Hale Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2006 8:11 AM To: Subject: FW: [eauclairewib] Fwd: Dump the Leader-Telegram


Again, a forward from the Women in Black listserve-apologies for duplication. Anyone else want to critique Graaskamp's rhetoric here?


----- Original Message -----
  From: Maria and David Henly <>
  To: Women in Black Black <>
  Sent: Tuesday, November 07, 2006 5:13 PM
  Subject: [eauclairewib] Fwd: Dump the Leader-Telegram

FYI...from Pieter Graaskamp of the Leader Telegram

Begin forwarded message:


From: "Pieter Graaskamp" <> Date: November 7, 2006 4:28:30 PM CST To: <> Subject: Dump the Leader-Telegram

Dear Dr. and Mrs. Henly,


        You represent one of a number of households that has contacted our company and me in the last two days. I personally have handled over 30 calls of people upset with their newspaper being delivered in a poly bag paid for by the NRA politically supporting Mark Green for Govenor. Each of the last two political seasons have become more and more politically charged. All of the people I have spoken to have been upset over the use of a poly bag to convey the message and most told me it would not have mattered which politcal party had chosen to use the bag.


        Our rate card for advertising includes a number of options for people to employ to convey an advertising message. One of the options is poly bags. It has been used sporadically for grocery stores, car dealers, and realtors in the past. We had no policy in place restricting political advertising on poly bags. They had never been used before in a campaign. No other candidate or special interest group that I am aware of requested to buy a similar ad and was rejected. When we have had our paper delivered in bags paid for by advertisers previously, I do not recall complaints from competing businesses that this was somehow unfair or unethical.


        While I didn't fully realize the anger that would be directed at the newspaper in conveying a political advertising message using poly bags, I also realize that subjecting my staff to what at times became very uncivilized behavior from customers is very counter productive.


        Therefore, a policy restricting political advertising from the use of poly bags is a message that came through loud and clear.




        Pieter Graaskamp


        Publisher, Leader-Telegram




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