Eau Claire Progressive Film Festival 2007 Program

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Nowlan, Robert A. (RANOWLAN@uwec.edu)
Fri, 9 Feb 2007 16:15:29 -0600

From: "Nowlan, Robert A." <RANOWLAN@uwec.edu>
Date: Fri, 9 Feb 2007 16:15:29 -0600
Subject: Eau Claire Progressive Film Festival 2007 Program
Message-ID: <7A17A445D0203848B157E8D70D1AC77E24F212C87E@CHERRYPEPSI.uwec.edu>

Greetings, All:

    We have a very exciting festival planned for this coming April 13 throu gh April 22. It should be an absolutely great event. We've been working h ard to bring it to you and make it happen, and we'll continue to do so up t hrough the end of the festival run. We hope you can join us by attending a t least some of our sessions, and that you will encourage your friends, fam ily, colleagues, co-workers, neighbors, other associates, acquaintances--ev eryone--to do so also, as you all are most welcome and we'll be delighted t o have you join us. (And if you are a teacher, encourage your students in
 your classes to come; we'd love to see all of these people turn out too.)
  This is our second straight year, and we hope to keep it going into the f uture. Your support will help make that happen. Attached is the early p rogram guide for the festival. Any questions, feel free to contact me; I
'll be glad to do my best to answer.

    All the Best,

    Bob Nowlan, Executive Director, Eau Claire Progressive Film Festival

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This archive was generated on Fri Feb 09 2007 - 16:15:52 Central Standard Time