Please Sign on. - UWEC Clean Commute Initiative.

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Drumm, Daniel L. (
Mon, 13 Aug 2007 17:12:45 -0500

From: "Drumm, Daniel L." <>
Date: Mon, 13 Aug 2007 17:12:45 -0500
Subject: Please Sign on. - UWEC Clean Commute Initiative.
Message-ID: <>

Dear SFPJ,

I wanted to let you all know about the UWEC Clean Commute Initiative. I ho pe many of you will sign on to this initiative which will eventually be sen t to the Chancellor and UW senate. I would be happy to stop by with a copy for you to read and sign.

This is an initiative to promote alternate forms of transportation to campu s. I do not have an electronic copy here, so I'll try to give a brief summ ary. The initiative asks for a small commitment to increase our use of al ternative means of transportation to UWEC, (biking, walking rollerblading, etc.) With some Staff and Faculty leadership our example and commitment cou ld bring about a change in the attitudes and practices on and off campus. W e already have a "Enhancing the Campus Community Strategic Planning" subcom mittee report identifying sustainable personal and environmental practices as being "at the heart of" enhancing our campus community. The idea is to b uild on the strengths of Eau Claire particularly Eau Claire's "Green City" image to make the campus and community more bike/pedestrian friendly.

The initiative calls on the UW senate and the administration to provide inc entives and to work with the city and local businesses to do many different
 things to enhance and support a clean commute.

You can contact myself or anyone on the list below for a circulating copy t o read and sign


Dan Drumm

Dan Drumm, Learning and Technology Services Bob Eierman, Chemistry Doug Faulkner, Geography Marc Goulet, Math Jeremy Gragert, Service Learning Center Paul Kaldjian, Geography Crispin Pierce, Environmental and Public Health John Stupak, Physics Paul Wagner, Computer Science

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