EC's YMCA now a little more "family-friendly"

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Kemp, Theresa D. (
Tue, 4 Sep 2007 20:51:10 -0500

From: "Kemp, Theresa D." <>
Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2007 20:51:10 -0500
Subject: EC's YMCA now a little more "family-friendly"
Message-ID: <>

Those of you who have been reluctanct to join Eau Claire's YMCA because of its discriminatory practice against gay and lesbian families might be happy
 to learn that a more equitable policy was approved by the board of directo rs at the last meeting.

Their previous definition of "family" required the adults be "eligible to f ile jointly on tax returns"--however, that apparently was just a ruse for d iscrimination since it seems they never asked straight couples whether they
 were eligible (even those with different last names or who are here workin g on green cards and therefore ineligible to file joint returns). Otherwis e, the second parent needed a separate individual membership.

Now a family is defined as "two adults and dependent children living in the
 same household."

They're also running a membership drive right now, with discounts: 17 month s at $41/month ($697) w/o childcare; and 17 months at $61/month w/childcare
 option ($1,037) and a 10% discount if it's paid in full rather than monthl y. They might have other deals going (I took the first option).

Anyway, I've got a "rate reservation certificate" that's good til 9/15 if a nyone wants it. Just let me know and I'll pass it along to you.


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