From: "Burns, Charlene P. E." <> Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2007 07:08:03 -0500 Subject: plans Message-ID: <>
I'm faculty Advisor for TAK, the local chapter of the national Religious St
udies Honor Society. The group met last night to formulate plans for the ac
ademic year, and one issue they want to address in some way is the Health C
are question. They discussed sponsoring a panel discussion about the issue
from various religious traditions' points of view, and I mentioned to them
that SPFJ is planning something on the topic in honor of Eberth. A couple o
f the students had taken classes from Eberth and/or Asha and all were very
interested in exploring the possibility of working along w/ SPFJ in some wa
y. (It's a small group - 8-9 active members).
Any thoughts/comments?
Charlene P. E. Burns, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Religious Studies
Director, Chippewa Valley Dialogue on Science & Religion<>
Department of Philosophy & Religious Studies
611 Hibbard Hall University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Telephone: (715) 836-2930 or 836-2545 Fax: (715) 836-2924