Re: Veterans' Day Article

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Ljrcyber (
Sat, 17 Nov 2007 10:15:15 -0600

Message-ID: <>
Date: Sat, 17 Nov 2007 10:15:15 -0600
From: Ljrcyber <>
Subject: Re: Veterans' Day Article

Hello, I am new to this list, and have arrived at it because the Eau Claire Staff and Faculty for Peace and Justice is nearly all I could find when I did a Google search for Eau Claire peace groups (or antiwar groups)...with the exception of Vets for Peace.

The newspaper article about the Nov. 11 Vets for Peace rally in Eau Claire noted that it was a "war protest" but the reporter also noted an absence of "youth" and "energy". I attended the event myself (though I am not a veteran; I'm not "young" either). I wanted to show support. I agree with the reporter's observation of a noticeable lack of "energy". This is, of course, in sharp contrast with what one saw in the antiwar / pro-peace rallies during the Vietnam War era, which, in the aggregate
--be it remembered-- finally resulted in applying sufficient pressure on the US govt so that the govt brought the war to an end.

I have very little experience with "protests" and outdoor rallies. And, looking at the good events this group already has going--unfortunately, I likely would not be able regularly attend the Saturday Chippewa Falls rallies (which, for all I know, may be very energetic!). I also would not be able to participate in the Wednesday Peace Rallies in Eau Claire, because I'm at work during the time it occurs.

Are there any other single, or repeating anti-war events being planned for Eau Claire? Has any interest been shown by UW-EC students in the work of the Eau Claire Staff and Faculty for Peace and Justice group? Again, I have little to no experience in this sort of thing, but I think if we are going to both stop the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as PREVENT a war with Iran, we must have events with increasing numbers of people, and those events (whether indoors or outdoors) must be ENERGETIC.

With the cold weather already upon us, it would be great to plan some indoor peace / anti-war event - held on the UW-EC campus so it would be easy for interested students to attend. In my imagination, the event would optimally have live music performing both new and old anti-war music. I know...I have quite an imagination, don't I? :-) For what it's worth, I'm willing to work with any of you to plan for something like this. Any thoughts about this?? Sincerely, Lou Recine

Estimated number of Americans killed in 9-11 attacks: 2,740

Reported number of US soldiers killed in action, Iraq, Afghanistan: 4,310
(Source:, accessed 11/17/07)

Estimated number of combined Iraq & Afghanistan civilians killed since US invasion of Iraq: 832,962
(Source:, accessed 11/17/07)

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