From: "Richmond, Rick" <> Date: Fri, 14 Dec 2007 09:00:56 -0600 Subject: Legislative Hearing in Eau Claire on Monday, 12/17 Message-ID: <>
There will be a public hearing on Monday, December 17, from 10:00AM until n
oon in the Presidents' Room of Davies Center on proposed legislation to all
ow faculty and academic staff to vote on union representation.
The Senate's Agriculture and Higher Education Committee will be taking test
imony on Senate Bill 353, recently introduced by Senator Dave Hansen (D-Gre
en Bay). The legislative history is available at http://www.legis.state.wi
Wisconsin is one of the few states that refuses to grant collective bargain
ing rights to faculty and staff in its state universities, a right that the
United Nations declared universal nearly 60 years ago. It's time for Wisc
onsin to change.
Please stop by the Presidents' Room on Monday, even if just for a moment.
Show your support for human rights in Wisconsin.