Re: Your involvement is needed - Please forward

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Hale, C. Kate (
Tue, 19 Feb 2008 12:24:53 -0600

From: "Hale, C. Kate" <>
Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2008 12:24:53 -0600
Subject: Re: Your involvement is needed - Please forward
Message-ID: <>


I was just wondering this weekend whether the administration has entered in to this discussion-it certainly seems appropriate to me that they would do so. Any thoughts on the matter?

Thanks for sending out word of this concrete way we can get involved!

________________________________ C.L. (Kate) Hale, Ph.D. Senior Lecturer Department of English University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire

617 Hibbard Hall 715-836-2761

"Liberal education nurtures human freedom in the service of human community
 . . ."

William Cronon

On 2/19/08 12:17 PM, "Kaldjian, Paul J." <> wrote:

Some information has already gone out regarding the jail, and I am not sure
 about this list as the place for it, but imprisonment, (mis)use of financ ial and natural resources, government accountability, our UWEC's stated des ire to be more involved in the community, these all suggest that the inform ation in the forwarded email is the kind of thing of which we should be awa re. There are a growing number of UWEC students concerned about what is ta king place as well. paul

Dr. Paul Kaldjian Associate Professor of Geography Dept. of Geography and Anthropology University of Wisconsin at Eau Claire Eau Claire, WI 54702

From: Ken Fulgione [] Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2008 11:01 AM To: Subject: Your involvement is needed - Please forward


There is a rally and short march planed for Wednesday evening Feb 20th from
 Peace Park across from Just Local Foods to the County Board's Jail Open Ho use.

The Members of the Citizens for Accountability in Jail Expansion will be me eting at 5:45 PM across from Just Local Foods on 1st & Grand Ave on Wednesd ay. Other members of the community opposed to the Riverfront Jail are wel come to join.

Those in attendance will march over to the Jail Open House scheduled for 6 PM at the County Court House and meet with County Board members in person t o let them know of the taxpayers displeasure with the current plans. The g roup will also be attending the County Board Meeting in support of an effor t to table a proposed 25 Million dollar bonding. Bring a friend. Attend the meeting and speak out !!!! You are needed to help stop this proj ect while we still can. The City Council still needs to re-zone this prope rty and vote to change the City's Comprehensive Plan in order for the River front Jail to continue. It is absurd, to say the least, for the county boa rd to allocate spending the $25 million BEFORE the City re-zones or REJECTS
 re-zoning the property. Your help is needed to get that message out. How can you help????
· Come to the Wednesday meeting at the County Board.

· Call your friends & neighbors about this & ask them to attend

· Email this email to everyone you know who might want to see thi s project halted

· Call & email all of the county board supervisors (email & phone
 list is attached)

· Call AND email all of the City Council members (email & phone list is attached)

· Call & email all of the Plan Commission Members (email & phone
 list is attached)

· Call & email Mike Huggins the City Manager (email & phone list
 is attached)

· Write a letter to the Leader Telegram opposing the re-zoning an d urging the County & the City to gain its senses

For additional information on this issue or to learn how you can help feel free to contact Visit our blog to read comments from other supporters > www.eccaje.blogspot
.com <><>



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