From: "Nowlan, Robert A." <> Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2008 11:00:49 -0600 Subject: Report on County Facility Planning by Gregg Moore Message-ID: <>
I don't want --and am not able at present-- to comment on Mary Weil's detai
led response to what Don posted from Gregg Moore, but I just want to add to
what Don wrote below, that Gregg Moore is someone those opposed to the Cou
nty Board decision potentially can work with as he is a highly thoughtul, c
onscientious, civic-minded, and self-identifyingly progressive man who does
and will listen carefully and respectfully to a wide range of dfferent poi
nts of view. I've come to know him as that, and his wife Emily as likewise
so, because he is our next-door neighbor, and has been for over eight year
s now. He might well be someone that you can reach by working to persuade
him to change his mind.
Bob Nowlan
From: [mailto: [mailto:sfpj-request@listserve.uwec.e
du] On Behalf Of Mowry, Donald D.
Sent: Monday, February 25, 2008 4:42 PM
Subject: RE: Report on County Facility Planning by Gregg Moore
Dear Colleagues,
I am forwarding these thoughts from Gregg Moore because, whether you agree
or disagree with his position, I think they provide a good background for
the decision-making process that has resulted in a county board decision t
o build a new jail and remodel the existing courthouse.
I have worked with Gregg over the past year to develop an alternative to in
carceration program for single women with dependent children, and I respect
his work and his many years of professional service to the Wisconsin Distr
ict Court System.
Donald D. Mowry, Director
Center for Service-Learning and First Year Experience