Fw: CAJE petitions (time to get signatures and upcoming City Council meeting)

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Mary Weil (mw2085@charter.net)
Wed, 5 Mar 2008 09:04:39 -0600

Message-ID: <005201c87ed2$3bf47e90$ca01a8c0@uwec7nyqnsifeg>
From: "Mary Weil" <mw2085@charter.net>
Subject: Fw: CAJE petitions (time to get signatures and upcoming City Council meeting)
Date: Wed, 5 Mar 2008 09:04:39 -0600


----- Original Message ----- From: Laura Sommer

Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2008 10:30 PM Subject: Fwd: CAJE petitions (time to get signatures and upcoming City Council meeting)

If you haven't already signed the petition against the riverfront jail, and think that the Eau Claire riverfront could be put to better use than being home to a large and expanding jail, please sign the petition
(available at Just Local and Eclectica on Grand), volunteer to get signatures as in the attached message, contact city council, and consider coming to the City Council pre-meeting rally this Monday. The Leader-Telegram thinks the riverfront jail is a done deal, but it's not
-- we can urge City Council to vote FOR Eau Claire's riverfront future, by voting against re-zoning for the jail. The time is now...

-- Laura

Note: forwarded message attached.

************ Laura Sommer laurajsommer@yahoo.com

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