Shakespeare & Kids :-)

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Wahome, Kimamo (
Sun, 16 Mar 2008 15:49:34 -0500

From: "Wahome, Kimamo" <>
Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2008 15:49:34 -0500
Subject: Shakespeare & Kids :-)
Message-ID: <>

There seems to be an endless war between teachers who try to feed Shakespea re to their charges and children who stubbornly resist all their efforts.

The latest theory is that Shakespeare should not be kept for older scholars
 but should be introduced as early as primary school. A BBC programme recor ded little children playing the scene where the ghost of Hamlet's father ap pears on the battlements of Elsinore Castle.

"Whooooooo," went the girls, imitating the eerie wind.

"Aaaaaaah," went the boys, mimicking a terrified Hamlet while joyfully scar ing themselves silly.

So what was the verdict on Shakespeare? Great, the children said, wonderful
, fun, exciting.

But there's always one, isn't there!

"I don't like Shakespeare," growled the boy, "too many long words that I do n't understand." Also, he complained, "too much dying and too much kissing.

Oh dear, said the BBC lady, and which was the worst, the dying or the kissi ng?

No doubt about it. "The kissing!"

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