From: "Gragert, Jeremy Evan" <> Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2008 16:22:45 -0500 Subject: Health Care rally at City Hall, Thursday at 11:30AM Message-ID: <>
From: Andrew Werthmann []
Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2008 5:30 PM
Subject: Help us hand over FIVE THOUSAND Signatures!!!
Help us hand over 5000 Signatures to the E.C. City Clerk to put
Health Care Referendum on the Ballot in Eau Claire!!!
Greetings friends,
On Thursday morning (July 24th) at 11:30am a group of community members wil
l gather outside Eau Claire City Hall to submit more then 5000 signatures t
o the EC City Clerk and demand that a Health Care Referendum question be pl
aced on the November 4th Ballot. If passed in November, the Referendum wil
l send a STRONG MESSAGE to our state legislature. The question reads:
"Shall the next state legislature enact health care reform legislation by D
ecember 31st, 2009 that guarantees every WI resident affordable health care
coverage as good as what is provided to state legislators?"
Join us to send this message - that Health Care reform is important and o
ur state legislators must act NOW!... Please let me know if you can attend
- and bring a friend. SIGNS WILL BE PROVIDED...
Stay strong and keep up the good fight,
-- Andrew "Citizen" Werthmann
Community Organizer - Citizen Action of WI