RE: University employees get strict warning about political activity

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Kemp, Theresa D. (
Wed, 1 Oct 2008 10:16:09 -0500

From: "Kemp, Theresa D." <>
Date: Wed, 1 Oct 2008 10:16:09 -0500
Subject: RE: University employees get strict warning about political activity
Message-ID: <>

The recent AAUP newsletter also featured this matter, and included links to
 the Higher Ed story along with two AAUP responses. I've attached the AAUP
 responses, and pasted in the newsletter "front page" below) :

As many of you may be aware, a story that began at the University of Illino is has now acquired legs and begun circulating nationally. Earlier this mon th, the ethics office serving all three campuses circulated a memo listing new restrictions on faculty, staff, and graduate employee political speech.
 It included a prohibition against all these groups attending political ral lies on campus. The AAUP responded immediately with a statement addressing faculty concerns,< D8E7E87E7E25/0/facultypoliticalspeechrights.pdf> and Inside Higher Educatio n published a story on the controversy—"Beware the Button Police"<http://>—the next day. The Associated Press picked up on the story, the Foundation for Individual Rights ! in Edu cation issued a response, and the National Communications Association conde mned the university's policy. The AAUP has now issued a second memo<http://
_political.pdf> taking up the special concerns of academic professionals, s taff, and graduate employees.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all the staff members a nd national leaders who discussed the UI policy with me and reviewed my let ters before they were distributed.

Cary Nelson, AAUP President

The AAUP Online is an electronic newsletter of the American Association of University Professors. The mission of the AAUP is to advance academic freed om and shared governance, to define fundamental professional values and sta ndards for higher education , and to ensure higher education's contribution
 to the common good. By joining, faculty members, academic professionals, a nd graduate students help to shape the future of the profession and proclai m their dedication to the education community. Visit the AAUP Web site. <ht tp://>

________________________________ From: [] On Behalf Of Richmond, Rick [] Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 2008 9:48 AM To: SFPJ Subject: University employees get strict warning about political activity

...[University of Illinois] ethics office sent a notice to all employees, i ncluding faculty members, telling them that they could not wear political b uttons on campus or feature bumper stickers on cars parked in campus lots u nless the messages on those buttons and stickers were strictly nonpartisan.
 In addition, professors were told that they could not attend political ral lies on campuses if those rallies express support for a candidate or politi cal party.

see the entire article at tons

Do you suppose they'll be allowed to vote???

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