From: "Webster, Christine Kaye" <> Date: Tue, 14 Apr 2009 13:22:32 -0500 Subject: RE: ROTC for UWEC? Message-ID: <>
Interesting timing of Anna Quindlen's piece in the April 13 NEWSWEEK "End O
f An Error" on the don't ask, don't tell policy in the U.S. military
-----Original Message-----
From: [mailto: [mailto:sfpj-request@listserve.uwec.e
du] On Behalf Of Wesenberg, Nancy Christine
Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2009 1:16 PM
To: Welch, Karen A.; Hale, Kate; Pope, Karen O.; SFPJ
Subject: RE: ROTC for UWEC?
Thanks for this reminder Karen. I hadn't even remembered about this, and a
s a long-time LGBT ally, it's good information to consider. Nancy
-----Original Message-----
From: [mailto: [mailto:sfpj-request@listserve.uwec.e
du] On Behalf Of Welch, Karen A.
Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2009 1:08 PM
To: Hale, Kate; Pope, Karen O.; SFPJ
Subject: RE: ROTC for UWEC?
For a perspective on the effects of this program on our campus LGBT populat
ion, please see the attached e-mail I received from a student last week.
Karen Peterson Welch, Ph.D.
Director of Composition
Department of English
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Eau Claire, WI 54702-4004
Office: (715) 836-4630
Fax: (715) 836-5996
-----Original Message-----
From: [mailto: [mailto:sfpj-request@listserve.uwec.e
du] On Behalf Of Hale, Kate
Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2009 12:46 PM
To: Pope, Karen O.; SFPJ
Subject: Re: ROTC for UWEC?
Just a quick note regarding involvement of university senate-I'm on my way
to a meeting-the press release notes that:
"After the pilot phase, if the ROTC program is approved through the univers
ity's shared governance system, it will become a series of courses offered
through the College of Business, he said."
From: "Pope, Karen O." <>
Date: Tue, 14 Apr 2009 12:39:19 -0500
To: SFPJ <>
Subject: ROTC for UWEC?
Hi SFPJ folks:
This press release causes me some angst/ alarm, and I expect SFPJ folks mig
ht want to be included in any campus wide debate.
I couldn't help but be dismayed and a little alarmed that, of all the cours
es of study UWEC could add and all the needs we have pressing on our resour
ces at the University, UWEC is adding ROTC. It sounds "free" but we know i
t is not; and once added, it's insidious and awfully hard to change course/
mind. Was there a pressing, public need expressed? What was wrong with
the current arrangement for 8 students to take courses via Stout? I guess
I don't get it. Is this what the premier liberal arts undergraduate insti
tution wants, really?
Do we want to take a position as a group on this issue? Will it come up i
n the Fac./student Senates?
Karen Osborne Pope
Associate Professor Emerita, McIntyre Library University of WI - Eau Claire cell 715 529 0272